National Basketball Association
National Basketball Association
Heat player Arroyo arrested after traffic stop
Feb. 26, 2010 12:00 a.m. ET
Miami Heat point guard Carlos Arroyo has been charged with resisting arrest after police say he was pulled over for driving suspiciously.
The Coral Gables Police Department reports that a motorcycle officer made several attempts to pull Arroyo over Friday morning. After Arroyo was stopped, police say he refused to get out of his vehicle several times before complying.
Arroyo was charged with operating a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to block traffic, failure to obey a lawful order and resisting arrest without violence.
Arroyo says in a statement he was on his way to practice when he was stopped. He says it's his first arrest and that the matter will be resolved in his favor when all the facts come out in court.
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