Just look at what the Lakers are doing to poor Jack Nicholson

Just look at what the Lakers are doing to poor Jack Nicholson

Updated Mar. 5, 2020 12:53 a.m. ET

Sure, Lakers celebrity superfan Jack Nicholson has enjoyed five NBA championships during the Kobe Bryant era, but it's still difficult to see the acting legend so despondent.

That image shows Nicholson suffering from the effects of LHD (Lakers are Horrible Disorder) after the Golden State Warriors opened a 63-43 lead over Los Angeles with more than three minute remaining in the second quarter Sunday night.

The 1-9 Lakers threatened Charles Barkley's life (by way of a self-imposed hunger strike) and obviously this team is endangering Nicholson as well. And based on Kobe Bryant's ridiculous 34 shot attempts on Sunday, he doesn't think the team is capable ... well, of much of anything. Here's what he said:

So, Jack (and all Lakers fans, which Nicholson represents) had better buckle up for a very long season.


You ready, Jack?

Are you sure?
