Major League Baseball
2022 World Series: Pitching Ninja breaks down Astros' combined no-hitter
Major League Baseball

2022 World Series: Pitching Ninja breaks down Astros' combined no-hitter

Updated Nov. 3, 2022 4:44 p.m. ET

Back in March, I coined the term Co-No to give appreciation to the combined no-hitter. I figured it needed a catchy name to counter the disrespect it usually gets when compared to the more celebrated single-pitcher no-hitter.

While a Co-No isn't considered as sexy as a single-pitcher no-hitter by most fans, Game 4 of the World Series was a prime example of the sheer depth of Astros pitching — combining to totally dominate and shut down the Phillies' powerful line-up.

Related: Pitching Ninja breaks down the incredible Astros pitching staff


Cristian Javier's Invisi-ball

Cristian Javier was brilliant, going six innings with nine strikeouts and giving up only two walks. Javier dismantled the Phillies with just two pitches, throwing his fastball and slider a combined 98% of the time.

Despite Javier's lack of overpowering velocity, 72% of his pitches were "invisi-ball" fastballs, which are hard to pick up. Javier's fastball was ranked the eighth-best fastball in baseball in terms of run value, with a run value of -18 in 2022. Opponents only hit .183 against the pitch during the regular season.

Javier's fastball doesn't have overpowering velocity, averaging just 93.8 mph, but what makes it highly effective is its vertical break. Scientifically, no fastball "rises," per se — they all drop on their way to home plate due to gravity. However, Javier's fastball fights gravity better than most due to its spin and spin efficiency. 

This chart from Codify Baseball shows how much of an outlier Javier's fastball is when compared with other fastballs of relatively similar velocities.

On its way to the plate, Javier's fastball drops about 3 inches less than the average fastball of similar velocity. This lack of drop, or perceived "rise," combined with Javier's low release point of 5.7-feet can give hitters fits. Most hitters today tend to swing slightly up to match the plane of the incoming pitch and to hit the ball in the air, avoiding ground balls, which are generally less valuable than line drives or fly balls. A pitch from a lower arm angle with perceived rise can cause hitters to swing under a fastball or miss it entirely.

This less-than-average drop can also be effective at the bottom of the strike zone. A hitter will tend to take a fastball at the bottom of the strike zone because he gives up on it, thinking it will be low, but instead, it catches the zone. 

Javier's fastball is especially lethal because his slider is also elite. Opponents hit only .121 against Javier's slider during 2022, with a 39.4% whiff rate. That fastball-slider combination is a nightmare for hitters, as you can see in these overlays from last night. 

Bryan Abreu's ridiculous stuff

To complete the elusive Co-No, by definition, you need help from your bullpen. And while all of Houston's relievers were obviously unhittable, Bryan Abreu was particularly nasty, as he annihilated the side in his only inning of work.

Abreu's slider is one of the best in baseball, with a whiff rate of 51.3%, the fourth-highest among any slider with more than 100 plate appearances (behind only Edwin Díaz, Jacob deGrom and Spencer Strider). That vicious slider combined with Abreu's upper 90s to 100 mph fastball makes me almost feel sorry for hitters. Almost. 

Montero and Pressly

Javier and Abreu were joined by Rafael Montero and Ryan Pressly, who were also impressive, to complete the Co-No. 

It was an all-around historic display of pitching and pitching depth by the Astros. Hopefully, fans will now put some respect on the Co-No, the black sheep of the No-Hitter Family!

Rob Friedman is an MLB pitching analyst for FOX Sports whose work has been featured on many Major League Baseball broadcasts. Follow him on Twitter @PitchingNinja.


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