With police escort, Maddon's mom makes it to World Series

CHICAGO (AP) After a difficult day of travel to the World Series, Albina Maddon was met by police at Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
''First of all, they had to tell her she's not being arrested,'' her son, Chicago Cubs manager Joe Maddon, said Saturday. ''Beanie, being from Hazleton, Polish Catholic, she would have imagined the worst first. They always do.''
The 83-year-old Albina planned to travel from her home south of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to attend Game 3 on Friday night. A fire aboard American Airlines Flight 383 from Chicago to Miami caused extensive delays.
Maddon's mom had driven two hours to Philadelphia International Airport, and her delayed flight didn't leave until about 90 minutes before game time. Maddon spoke with Cubs traveling secretary Vijay Tekchandani, and they contacted the police.
''My niece and nephew, Michael and Christine, were also part of the party,'' the manager said. ''So I guess they threw them in the back there and just rushed them on in, and got her up to the will-call window, escorted her in. And they got there by the second inning.''
Maddon said his mom is retired from Hazleton's Third Base Luncheonette, a restaurant owned by the Maddon family.
''She goes up there for her morning coffee. It's a great conversation for maybe at least the next two years,'' Joe Maddon said. ''She's there till midnight after the game. I see her in the parking lot for the first time. Gets back at 1 o'clock, whatever, after going all day, and then she's going to be here tonight. God bless her. Those tough Polish ladies, man. I grew up with them. They're awesome. They can really clean. They can cook, and she's the best mom ever.''