RBI Classic coming to Cincinnati

The seventh annual JR. RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) Classic, is coming to Cincinnati July 10-13, according to Reds.com.
"The friendly round-robin tournament, which is for kids ages 11-12 from Jr. RBI playing divisions, will be played July 10-13 on fields throughout Cincinnati, the host of the 86th MLB All-Star Game on July 14," the website notes.
"Major League Baseball is proud to offer the young men and women participating in the Jr. RBI Classic this once-in-a-lifetime experience to be a part MLB All-Star Week," Tony Reagins, senior vice president of youth programs for Major League Baseball, said in a statement to Reds.com. "In addition to having the chance to showcase their skills on the field, Jr. RBI Classic participants will have the invaluable opportunity to meet other kids from across the country, help others in the greater Cincinnati region through community service and experience a college campus -- all while creating lasting memories."
(h/t Reds.com)
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