MLB teams, players salute our troops

The 2013 MLB season may be over, but players and teams took to social media on Monday to pay tribute to those who have served or are serving our country.
Every day should be Veterans Day. #honorandremember
— Garrett Jones (@Garrett_GIJones) November 11, 2013
Huge thank you goes out to all our Veterans. True sacrifice & courage that should always be honored #RealHeroes
— Brett Wallace (@brettwallace29) November 11, 2013
A big thank you to those who have served and are currently serving our country #HappyVeteransDay
— Ricky Romero (@RickyRo24) November 11, 2013
Happy Veterans Day #ThankYou
— Jason Motte (@JMotte30) November 11, 2013
Can't say it enough.. #VeteransDay
— Jason Kipnis (@TheJK_Kid) November 11, 2013
Happy Veterans Day to all the Veterans. Thank you for your courage and sacrifice !!! #VeteransDay
— Mike Trout (@Trouty20) November 11, 2013
A thank you to all veterans past and present who help protect us and our country. @USNavy @USArmy @USMarineCorps @usairforce
— Mike Leake (@MikeLeake44) November 11, 2013
Happy Veterans Day to all the vets out there. Specially this one... My dad! #loveyou
— Cameron Garfield (@CAMgGARFIELD) November 11, 2013
A big thank you to all the Veterans from the bottom of my heart. We should be thanking you every day. #Appreciation #VeteransDay
— Nick Swisher (@NickSwisher) November 11, 2013
Both my Grandfathers served over seas. Thank you to all the veterans and their families. #USA
— Brandon Morrow (@2Morrow23) November 11, 2013
“This land will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” – Elmer Davis #ThankYouVets
— Josh Hamilton (@thejoshhamilton) November 11, 2013
Thank you to all our Veterans who have protected us and our freedoms! Happy Veterans Day ! God Bless You All #PadresSaluteYou
— Yonder Alonso (@YonderalonsoU) November 11, 2013
Thank you to all the men and women who have served and those who continue to serve our great country! #trueheroes #VeteransDay
— Kolten Wong (@KoltenWong) November 11, 2013
Thank you to all those who sacrificed their blood, sweat and lives protecting this country and to those who continue to do so #ThankUHeroes
— Vinnie Pestano (@VinnieP52) November 11, 2013
Thank you to all the men and women who serve and protect this country for our freedom! #forevergrateful
— Jacoby Ellsbury (@JacobyEllsbury) November 11, 2013
I would like to wish a happy Veterans Day to all those that are serving and did serve your sacrifices are not forgotten! #PadresSaluteYou
— cameron maybin (@spidermayb24) November 11, 2013
#ThankYouVeterans & all those currently protecting our freedoms for everything you have sacrificed for our country.
— Shane Victorino (@ShaneVictorino) November 11, 2013
Special thanks to all servicemen/women serving our country. Words alone can't explain how thankful I am for all of you!!! #VeteransDay
— Jedd Gyorko (@JGyorko05) November 11, 2013
Thank you to our Veterans past, present, and future for preserving our freedom:
— Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers) November 11, 2013