McCourt: Boston law firm at fault

A lawyer for Frank McCourt said Tuesday that his client is disappointed about that a Boston law firm "is unwilling to accept responsibility" for a marital property agreement draft that was invalidated during the Los Angeles Dodgers owner's divorce proceedings.
Bingham McCutchen LLP had sued McCourt on Monday, asking a Massachusetts state court to declare that the firm met its obligations and caused him no loss when the draft was invalidated in a California court.
Steve Sugarman, a spokesman for McCourt, said the suit was unfortunate.
"Bingham McCutchen drafted an agreement the Court found did not comply with applicable California law and was invalid because of the conduct of the Bingham firm's lawyers," Sugarman wrote. "Mr. McCourt is disappointed that the Bingham firm is unwilling to accept responsibility for its actions and is instead now trying to defend conduct that is indefensible."
McCourt had tried to use the 2004 draft agreement to establish his sole ownership of the Dodgers. A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge threw out the agreement in December, clearing the way for Jamie McCourt to seek ownership of half the team.
Bingham McCutchen said it has been the target of allegations by the McCourts and their counsel that have been critical of its work. The firm's lawsuit sought "a declaration that the allegations are without merit.''