Joint statement on assault released

The following statement was issued today by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee, SFPD Interim Chief Jeff Godown, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, San Francisco Giants Managing Partner Bill Neukom and Los Angeles Dodgers Owner Frank McCourt in regard to the assault that occurred after Thursday’s Opening Day game at Dodger Stadium:
“This attack is unconscionable behavior that will not be tolerated in either of our ballparks or in either of our cities. Once apprehended, the attackers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Public safety is the top priority for all of us and even one act of random violence is unacceptable.
Baseball is a family sport that has unified our country after times of crisis and tragedy. This senseless act of violence has no place in our society and certainly not in our national pastime.
The Giant/Dodger rivalry is one of the most storied in all of sports, dating back to when the teams played across town in New York City before their moves to California. This is a great rivalry between teams competing on the field of play. That’s where it must stay.
We call on our respective citizens to stand together in honor of that rivalry as you have done throughout the years. Root hard for your teams, and do so with civility and common decency.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victim Bryan Stow and his family. The best thing that we as a community of baseball fans can do to support Bryan and his family is to rise above this outrageous act and exercise good sportsmanship and mutual respect for each other.”