Fan receives CPR at Jays' game

The game between the Chicago White Sox and Toronto Blue Jays has been delayed for 4 minutes in the seventh inning while a fan received CPR and was taken away on a stretcher.
Blue Jays players left their dugout Thursday night to watch as paramedics treated a male fan seated down the left field line.
Third base umpire Mark Wegner approached second base ump and crew chief Mike Winters after Moises Sierra hit a foul ball down the right field line, and informed them of the situation in the stands. Play was stopped to allow a cart to enter the field and carry the fan off through the left field gate.
Ambulance sirens could be heard outside the stadium as the fan was carted off, still receiving CPR.
This is the second time this season a fan has received CPR at a Blue Jays game, it also happened June 29.