Donnie Baseball returns to LA with no hard feelings

LOS ANGELES (AP) Don Mattingly sat in his usual spot on the top of the dugout bench. Except he was wearing a black hat and jersey with a multi-colored `M' on the front.
Yep, Donnie Baseball was back at Dodger Stadium on Monday night for the first time as the visiting manager. He brought a Marlins team that is fourth in the NL East, 7 1/2 games behind first-place Washington.
In the home dugout, first-time manager Dave Roberts has the Dodgers atop the NL West by 2 1/2 games.
But Mattingly insists he wouldn't change a thing. He says last fall was the right time to leave Los Angeles after five years as the Dodgers' manager and three consecutive division titles. Officially, the convoluted explanation at the time was that both sides reached a mutual parting of the ways.