Cubs fans want Harry Caray video for seventh inning stretch

By Joe Lucia
The singing of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” during the seventh inning stretch is more of a tradition at Wrigley Field than other ballparks around the country. Cubs fans want to embrace that tradition even more by going away from the “celebrity” guests that have done the singing over the last 16 years and bringing back Harry Caray to lead the song…on Wrigley’s new video scoreboard, of course.
A petition has been started on urging the Cubs to make the change. As of Satruday evening, the petition had 4,749 signatures out of the 5,000 desired in a little over a week.
I’m completely in favor of this, if only because so many of the celebrity guests the Cubs bring in either don’t know the song or can’t sing at all.
Unfortunately, doesn’t have many videos of Caray singing uploaded, but they do have his final performance at Wrigley before his death.
I think it would be a great tribute, and a much better alternative than “random Chicago-area athlete or celebrity No. 74." You’ve got that giant new video board now, so use it for good!
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