Cubs fan rubs rival club's cap on her butt, tosses it back on field

This wasn't the best way to mark the reopening of the bleachers at Wrigley Field.
During Monday's Cubs-Mets game, a fan's cap — apparently representing the White Sox — fell onto the warning track and was retrieved by Cubs center fielder Dexter Fowler. His toss into the stands flew over the head of the cap's owner. But instead of simply handing it back, a young woman wearing a Jon Lester jersey rubbed the cap on her butt and then threw it back onto the field.
Maybe she thought she was being cute and somehow acting in the Wrigley tradition of tossing back opposing home runs, but as the above video shows, most fans in the vicinity looked appalled at her actions.
Fowler retrieved it again, but this time politeness prevailed and the fan got his cap back. ... Plus, the Cubs won 4-3.