Charity, school offer aid to NYPD officer's sons

NEW YORK (AP) The children of slain New York City police officer Rafael Ramos (rah-fy-EHL' RAH'-mohs) are getting college aid from a charity founded by the late New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner.
Silver Shield Foundation Chairman Billy Walters said Monday the organization has set aside $40,000 for the educations of Ramos' two sons. After attending an officer's 1982 funeral, Steinbrenner established the foundation with Olympic medalist James E. Fuchs (fooks).
One of the sons is a sophomore at Bowdoin (BOH'-duhn) College in Maine. The school said Monday it will cover the education costs of one of Ramos' sons as long as he remains a student there.
Ramos and his partner, Officer Wenjian Liu (WEHN'-jihn LOO'), were ambushed and shot to death Saturday in their patrol car by a gunman who had posted online that he planned to kill police. Liu had no children.