A Red Sox fan as New York mayor?

We’re not going to exactly support the current mayor of New York, but one guy who is trying to replace him can’t stop sexting women he’s not married to and another one is a Boston Red Sox fan.
This is not the city’s proudest moment.
Bill de Blasio is the democratic frontrunner to replace Michael Bloomberg, who is well known for banning large soda cups and for presiding over and even encouraging his police department’s unconstitutional practice of stopping and frisking mostly minority pedestrians for close to no legitimate reason.
You’ve heard of Bloomberg, and you’ve heard plenty about Anthony Weiner, and you thought New York was in bad enough shape.
But oh, it gets worse. A guy with a real shot to run New York is a lifelong Red Sox fan.
“I have my loyalty to the team of my youth,” de Blasio told told The New York Times.
His loyalty to the Sox is, he said, a “deep devotion,” forged at age 6 when de Blasio was living in Cambridge, Mass.
According to The Times, de Blasio has been trying to walk a political tightrope with this deal, acknowledging his Red Sox fandom in interviews while doing his best not to talk trash about the Yankees.
Politicians always are supposed to pretend to be sports fans, whether that’s really inside them or not, because sports fandom has a humanizing effect on a class of people than can use as much of that as they can get.
But this doesn’t make sense as a political move. This guy was the Democratic frontrunner, not some longshot looking for a cheap way to make the news. This sounds like the real thing, meaning New York might really end up with a Boston B in the mayor’s office.