MLB donates $10 million to Baseball Hall of Fame endowment

COOPERSTOWN, N.Y. (AP) Major League Baseball has donated $10 million to the Baseball Hall of Fame's endowment.
All 30 teams contributed to the Hall of Fame's effort to raise money toward its goal of $30 million. The Hall has now raised $22 million.
Since it opened in 1939, the Hall of Fame has operated on a break-even basis without a significant endowment. It now has 40,000 artifacts, including bats, balls, gloves, uniforms, trophies, 135,000 baseball cards, 14,000 hours of recorded media, 250,000 historic photos and 3 million pieces in its library.
The goal is to make sure the collection is preserved for the future. The endowment also will help the Hall develop more world-class exhibits, take advantage of technology to increase access to its collections and extend the reach of its education programs.