Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball
Griffey card helps cops catch robbers
Jan. 11, 2011 10:55 p.m. ET

Add one more talent to Ken Griffey Jr.'s impressive resume: catching bad guys.
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Albany (NY) Police have charged two suspects with burglary and grand larceny after the bungling burglars were caught using a stolen credit card. At the time, officers discovered the burglars, Gregory Amyot and Robert Spraker, also had a Griffey Jr. rookie card in their possession, according to Albany station WNYT.
Detectives investigating the crime have since been able to connect that card to a second break-in that included the theft of multiple sports memorabilia cards. The Griffey card was among the items reported stolen.
Both men were arraigned in court on Saturday and remain in county jail without bail.

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