Diamondbacks play cold prank on Sax

When Steve Sax returned to baseball this season after nearly 20 years out of uniform, it had to be for moments like this.
The former second baseman, a five-time All-Star for the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees, is in his first season as first-base coach for the Arizona Diamondbacks after making his way in the business world. Sure, you can give motivational speeches, consult with big corporations and write a self-help book, but how can that compare to the thrill of walking onto a major-league field … and finding your glove frozen in a block of ice?
Because no one does pranks like big-leaguers. What’s the best you’re going to get at the office? Somebody unscrews the top of the sugar container at the coffee machine?
Who would want to watch a video of that?