Cops: Woman offered sex act for World Series tix

Some fans will do anything to get World Series tickets. Anything.
A woman in Philadelphia has been charged with prostitution and other related offenses after offering to perform sexual acts in exchange for tickets to a Phillies World Series game against the Yankees, according to multiple published reports.
According to police, Susan Finkelstein, 43, posted an online ad which read, "DESPERATE BLONDE NEEDS WS TIX (Philadelphia) Diehard Phillies fan--gorgeous tall buxom blonde-- in desperate need of two World Series Tickets. Price negotiable--- I'm the creative type! Maybe we can help each other!"
Bensalem Township police said they made contact with the female after viewing her ad on Craigslist, according to The woman then allegedly solicited an undercover police officer to perform various sex acts in exchange for the tickets.
Police did not say exactly what Finkelstein offered to do.