Remember Batkid? He's back on the big screen in this summer

The day was November 15, 2013. Gotham City (San Francisco) was in peril and there was only one person who could save it.
Batkid! Who else?
He saved a damsel in distress, foiled The Riddler's robbery attempt, and tracked and rescued Giants mascot Lou Seal from the twisted piggish fingers of The Penguin. It was a wonderful day for a lot of people, including Miles Scott, the five-year-old behind the mask who was battling leukemia.
It was one of the most elaborate, incredible, heart-warming projects ever pulled off by The Make-A-Wish Foundation, who organized the special day with the help of many that heard Miles' story.
Now it's become a film. Check out the "Batkid Begins" trailer below to relive a bit of the good that was done that day.
To learn more about Batkid and the film he inspired, check out