MLB's new rules on intentional walks, replay and more are now official

Major League Baseball and the players union approved several rules modifications including a no-pitch intentional walk and a time-limit for a manager to decide when to challenge a play. The new changes will be in place for the upcoming season.
Among the changes include the new intentional walk rule, which allows a manager to signal his decision to home plate instead of having the pitcher throw four pitches outside of the strike zone.
Managers also now have a 30-second time limit for deciding whether to challenge a play and invoke the replay review. If a manager has exhausted all his challenges for the game, the crew chiefs can invoke the replay review for non-home run calls, but only starting in the eighth inning.
Also, in what has been called the "David Price" rule, a pitcher cannot take a second step toward home plate with either foot or otherwise reset his pivot foot in his delivery of the pitch. If there is one runner or more on base when it happens, a balk will be called. If there are no men on base, it will called an illegal pitch.
- Scooby Axson
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