HGH test leads to first suspension of pro athlete

Assertions by Major League Baseball that there is no reliable test
for human growth hormone may have been reduced to a myth Monday.
Anti-doping agency officials on both sides of the Atlantic
touted the case of a British rugby player as proof that HGH can be
detected through blood testing. Terry Newton, who was tested in
November, did not contest the result and was banned from the sport
for two years by the United Kingdom Anti-Doping Agency,
The Times of London reported.
The Wakefield Wildcats, his rugby club voided the remainder
of Newton's two-year contract.
Newton, 31, is believed to be the first pro athlete tripped
up by a blood test aimed at detecting HGH, which baseball has
banned since 2005 but has not been the subject of testing.
The latest development was lauded by Travis Tygart, chief
executive of the United States Anti-Doping Agency.
"All of us who have helped develop a test wouldn't put it in
place if it wasn't forensically sound and reliable." Tygart told
New York Daily News. "Particularly in (Newton's) case,
it's proof positive the test works."
Newton was targeted for an offseason test based on what UKAD
executive Andy Parkinson described as “intelligence”
indicating there was cause for suspicion.
“There has been a feeling that you can take growth
hormone with impunity,” Parkinson said. “This shows
this is no longer the case. We have heard from others that growth
hormone is being abused by athletes, but, until now, investigations
have been of the non-analytical type. Now there is a test, so our
message to athletes is to think twice about using it.”
Drugs testers said HGH use had been difficult to pin down
because it leaves the system quickly after administration, similar
to the challenge they faced before learning to screen successfully
for erythropoietin (EPO), the blood agent.