Former Mariner Bret Boone apologizes for harassment remarks

SEATTLE (AP) Former Seattle Mariners second baseman Bret Boone apologized Wednesday for making light of sexual harassment in a message to a reporter.
''All, there are zero excuses for what I said earlier,'' he wrote on his Twitter feed. ''None. It was 100% wrong. It was offensive. It was inappropriate. It was not remotely productive to any conversation regarding harassment. I apologize and it will never happen again.'' reporter Stephen Cohen wrote Wednesday that after he tweeted about his disappointment in the allegations against radio host Garrison Keillor, Boone sent him a direct message on Twitter. Boone wrote that he got sexually harassed ''twice today,'' when ''the Starbucks girl'' smiled at him and when a woman at a drug store flirted with him.
Boone further joked that he was getting a lawyer and that the behavior was unacceptable.
Cohen responded to ask why Boone reached out to him to make light of sexual harassment. Boone wrote that it was a joke, that he was tired of people being offended and that the reporter should go back to his politically correct world.