Couple ties knot during CWS rain delay

Some people waited out Sunday's 4-hour, 15-minute rain delay in the Rosenblatt Stadium concourse. Others whiled away the time in nearby beer tents and bars. Some went home.
One couple decided to get married.
Brian Chandler and Toni Weaver are high school teachers in Jericho, Vt. They were attending their first College World Series but, like thousands of other fans, had to endure the long delay before the start of the South Carolina-Oklahoma game.
``We've been planning on getting married,'' said Brian, 43.
Toni, 37, had a better idea.
``I said, 'Brian, we should just elope,'' Toni said.
As the couple killed time on the main drag outside the stadium, they happened upon the Stadium View, a sports memorabilia shop owned by Greg Pivovar. Brian and Toni brought along friends who followed them into the store, where every legal-age customer is greeted with a free can of beer.
Toni jokingly asked if there was a justice of the peace working there.
``We actually asked a couple of cashiers,'' Toni said, ``and they said Greg was.''
Pivovar, an attorney by trade, is an ordained online minister. He didn't hesitate when asked to perform the ceremony, and he quickly drew up the couple's vows on a piece of scrap paper.
After the short vows were exchanged, along with the rings - yes, they actually came to Omaha toting rings — Pivovar made it official.
``By the power vested in me by the state of Oregon. . .'' Pivovar said before hesitating to chuckles. ``Hey, that's where I'm ordained. I now pronounce you man and wife.''
The newlyweds, sporting Stadium View T-shirts, then headed back for their ``honeymoon'' inside Rosenblatt.