College baseball player kicked off team for Mo'ne Davis tweet

By Larry Brown
A college baseball player was kicked off his team for referring to Mo’Ne Davis as a “sl-t” on Twitter.
Joey Casselberry, who played at Bloomsburg University in Philadelphia, tweeted Friday in response to hearing that Disney was going to be making a movie about Davis’ life. He said “WHAT A JOKE. That sl-t got rocked by Nevada.”
You can see a screenshot of the tweet here.
After his tweet went viral, Casselberry tweeted Saturday to apologize for what he wrote.
“An example that one stupid tweet can ruin someone’s life and I couldn’t be more sorry about my actions last night. I please ask you to forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo’ne. She was quite an inspiration,” Casselberry tweeted before deactivating his account.
Casselberry is no longer listed on the school’s baseball roster. The school also issued a statement about the incident.
“Bloomsburg Univ is deeply saddened by what was written about Mo’ne Davis by one of our student-athletes. His words do not represent us.
“We take matter very seriously; addressed the issue with the student-athlete (who has been dismissed from team), coach, and the team.”
Between this, Ashley Judd going after harassers, and what happened when Curt Schilling pursued people who sent nasty tweets to him about his daughter, it’s nice to see that Twitter is no longer a consequence-free world. For some reason people think that just because it’s a faceless forum on social media, societal rules of decorum no longer apply. They do, and there should be consequences for what people say.
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