City of Poway seeks grander tribute for longtime resident Tony Gwynn

The memorial to honor Padre great Tony Gwynn in the place of his longtime residence of Poway, California was rejected by the Poway City Council. It wasn’t "grand" enough, according to Poway mayor Steve Vaus. Per U-T San Diego, Vaus explained his expectation for the memorial:
“I’ve envisioned something that somebody could stand next to and have their picture taken ... something that will give people a moment to look up, reflect, read about the man, read about the player and say ‘Wow, yeah, this is the town where Tony lived.”
What he got was a granite plaque attached to a boulder, according to the U-T. While the memorial was set to be placed at the Lake Poway Park baseball field, several council members suggested that a more prominent location in the city might be better. Poway, which is located about 22 miles north of San Diego, was Gwynn’s home for nearly 30 years.
(h/t U-T San Diego)
Photo credit: Jake Roth/USA TODAY Sports