Astros' Castro declines accidental sticky note prom proposal

Prom season can be scary. Finding the courage to ask that special someone to accompany you to the big, potentially intimidating, be-all-end-all social function of your high school career can be a challenge for some.
Others find ways to make big, public spectacles of their inquiries by doing things like writing elaborate messages made of sticky notes plastered on that lucky guy or girl's car.
This exact scenario happened recently to Houston Astros catcher Jason Castro, who quite obviously was not the intended recipient of the gesture.
Castro reacted in the best way possible for all involved: he took to Twitter to share his little experience with strangers behind keyboard or smartphone screens:
whoever asked me to prom a few nights ago, I think intended to ask the neighbor.Hopefully this wasnt your only effort
— Jason Castro (@J_Castro15) March 25, 2015
Some follower of his frankly asked him if it'd be a 'yes' or 'no,' to which his response was again on-point:
@fitchjr1 @MAppel26 after much debate I think respectfully declining would be the way to go...hopefully the asker follows me on Twitter
— Jason Castro (@J_Castro15) March 25, 2015
If you're out there, mystery sticky note prom date asker, don't give up! Just make sure you get the right car next time. Castro echoed that advice with some tweets later in the day: