National Football League
Judge dismisses part of Romo-linked firm's claim against NFL
National Football League

Judge dismisses part of Romo-linked firm's claim against NFL

Published Feb. 29, 2016 6:27 p.m. ET

DALLAS (AP) A judge has dismissed a major element of a lawsuit filed against the NFL by a company partly owned by Tony Romo over a canceled fantasy football event.

After a hearing Monday in Dallas, state District Judge Carl Ginsberg dismissed a claim by Fan Expo LLC that the NFL intimidated players with threats of fines and suspensions if they participated in what the league called a gambling-related event.

Fan Expo attorney Julie Pettit says no decision has been made on an appeal. Meantime, she says Fan Expo's breach-of-contract claim against the NFL is still pending trial.


The Texas-based company claims the NFL initially approved the event by allowing some members of league-owned media outlets to participate. The subsequent NFL decision forced the cancellation of last July's convention in Las Vegas.


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