Norris Cole let Stephen Curry see, touch one of his championship rings (PHOTO)

There might not be better motivation in the entire world for a potential NBA champion than actually seeing and holding a ring in your hands. It's all of the physical, tactile connection with that piece of a title without any of the spiritual connection. It puts the championship literally in your hands while reminding you just how far you still have to go before you can get a ring of your very own.
Former Miami Heat and current New Orleans Pelicans guard Norris Cole was on hand at the Finals to conduct a video interview of Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry on Facebook, and during the course of the interview, Cole let Curry see his hefty Heat ring.
All Curry needs now is one more win, and he gets his very own piece of jewelry. Would a potential Warriors championship ring rival the Heat's in size and gaudiness? We'll have to wait and see.
(h/t NBC Sports)
Photo Credit: Steve Mitchell/USA Today Sports
Norris Cole let Steph Curry mess around with his championship ring. MOTIVATION.
— David Pick (@IAmDPick) June 13, 2015