Minor league team apologizes for sexist promotion, says release was ’unauthorized'

The Ogden Raptors have apologized after being lambasted for a sexist promotion on the team's website.
The “Hourglass Appreciation Night” promised to display “gorgeous women whose curves rival those of any stud pitching prospect!” The press release announcing the August 11 promotion was taken down off the team website Monday night.
In a statement Tuesday, the team called the press release “unauthorized.”
“The Ogden Raptors regret that an unauthorized press release was disseminated over the weekend announcing a promotion that was not approved or scheduled by club ownership or management. This promotion will not take place and steps have been put in place to ensure this will not happen again. The Ogden Raptors offer a sincere apology to anyone who was offended by the promotion itself and the contents of the press release, and in no way supports or condones the objectification of women. It is not reflective of the values of the Ogden Raptors, Los Angeles Dodgers organization, the Pioneer Baseball League or Minor League Baseball.”
The press release was posted early Saturday morning but was not promoted on the team's social media feeds and went unnoticed until Monday night. Once it was dug up and began making the rounds on social media, the promotion was universally panned.