Gwynn on mend, eager to return to work

Baseball Hall of Famer Tony Gwynn said he is planning to return to work soon following chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer.
"Everything is going great," Gwynn told The San Diego Union-Tribune in Sunday's editions. "I don't have an exact answer yet where I stand with the cancer. I can't say I'm cured. I have an MRI and CT scan planned for sometime next week. But I feel good, and my doctors tell me they think I'm ahead of schedule."
Gwynn was diagnosed in August with cancer of the parotid gland, a salivary gland. He had surgery Aug. 30 to remove lymph nodes and tumors from the gland, he told the newspaper. Then came eight weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Complicating Gwynn's recovery was the fact he suffered a disk problem in his back at about the same time as his diagnosis. He spent many weeks off his feet and required a walker after regaining some mobility.
"I was in bad shape," Gwynn told the newspaper. "Not only was I dealing with the cancer, I was having to use a walker to get around. And I wasn't doing a great job of that.
"But a lot of great doctors and therapists came to my rescue. And I can't tell you how big the boost I also got from friends and fans who sent me countless cards and greetings."
Gwynn said he plans to be at work as San Diego State's baseball coach when the school starts its spring session Jan. 20. He also will return as a TV analyst for San Diego Padres broadcasts in the coming season. He spent his entire 20-year major league career with the Padres.
"It really feels great to have baseball starting again," Gwynn told the newspaper.