Dodgers' Adrian Gonzalez refused to stay with team at Trump hotel in May

When the Dodgers traveled to Chicago in May to play the Cubs, their first baseman was not with them at the Trump International Hotel and Tower.
Adrian Gonzalez, a Mexican-American, decided to go his own way.
“I didn’t stay there,” Adrian Gonzalez told J.P. Hoornstra of the Orange County Register. “I had my reasons.”
When asked if the reason was political, Gonzalez politely declined to answer, smiling and adding, “We’re here to play baseball not talk politics.”
When he announced he was running for president in June 2015, Donald Trump, the hotel’s owner, said that Mexico is “not sending their best” when they immigrate to the United States. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us,” he said. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
The Republican candidate for president has also repeatedly promised to build a wall at the border of the U.S. and Mexico.
According to the Register, the Dodgers aren’t staying at Trump’s hotel during the NLCS due to the fact that their NLDS series against the Nationals was not decided until early Friday morning.
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