Canine parade delays Astros game
Everybody loves dogs. They're adorable, playful, man's best friend even. But dogs detest baseball. It's a proven scientific fact. And more than that, they hate when bad baseball starts on time.
On Sunday, the clueless Houston Astros decided to host "Dog Day" -- a day where fans bring their pets to the stadium, presumably to give Astros fans a reason to show up to the game at all. However, the people showed up in droves and the dogs had their day, refusing to leave the field after they paraded around with chew toys in their mouths.
Here is the video evidence:
The opening pitch was delayed for what seemed like an entire couple of minutes. And it was only after stadium security escorted the beasts through a secret opening in the right-field wall that the game got underway. It was an amazing triumph for dogs everywhere.
The Astros had a less amazing day, losing to the Angels 2-1.