Sabres fans turn out in droves to watch development camp scrimmage

How much do people in Buffalo love hockey?
Enough to fill 8,725 seats in the First Niagara Center for the development camp scrimmage.
Just to clarify, that's how many people reportedly gathered to watch a game that means absolutely nothing in terms of points ... featuring many players who have never played a single game in the NHL ... in the middle of the offseason.
Here are a few photos of the scene:
10,000+ people at FNC for a prospect scrimmage. In July. #SabresDevCamp
— Trending Buffalo (@TrendingBuffalo) July 15, 2014
Opening faceoff of tonight's scrimmage.. Loved seeing so many #Sabres fans in attendance! #SabresDevCamp
— Craig Kanalley (@ckanal) July 16, 2014
How does the crowd compare to some of the other scrimmages around the league? Here's a look the Wild's game on July 14, held in hockey-mad Minnesota:
MN Wild 2014 Development Camp scrimmage underway at the X.
— Jared Nelson (@jnelson651) July 14, 2014
Not a bad turnout at all. But the other side looks to be empty:
On the glass for the Wild Development scrimmage.
— Dave Haeg (@drafter28) July 14, 2014
And here's a look at one of the Caps' scrimmages:
So we found a Capitals scrimmage....
— Brian Wright (@B_WrightVT) July 13, 2013
The Devils, one the other hand, reportedly called off their Tuesday game:
Devils rookies will not scrimmage this afternoon. Lamoriello said they looked tired.
— Rich Chere (@Ledger_NJDevils) July 15, 2014
Think they would have rioted in upstate New York if the Sabres management made the same move?
In case you care, Team White beat Team Blue, 5-1.
(h/t: Reddit for the story)