Why was Houston's Game 1 effort so abysmal?

The Houston Rockets were terrible in Game 1. They couldn't hit shots in the second half, they turned the ball over seemingly every time they got on a run and their defense (particularly in transition) was abysmal.
But even more worrisome was their focus and effort. Here's Sports on Earth's Michael Pina analyzing the specifics behind Houston's meltdown:
"There were sequences featuring crisp, selfless ball movement, but those were few and far between, rare off-the-dribble creations half-molded by Smith when he wasn't firing up a 25-footer or pretending soccer's rules suddenly applied to basketball."
The Rockets didn't look like a team that understood they were playing in the second round of the playoffs, and if they come out in Game 2 with the same attitude their season will end sooner than later.
(h/t: Sports on Earth)
Photo Credit: Kim Klement/USA TODAY Sports