Terrence Ross loves steak, has an unbelievable story of his first dunk ever

It's time to get to know your 2015-16 Toronto Raptors, and Terrence Ross is a good member of the team with which to start. He's friendly, he's affable, and he wants to dunk all over opponents. What more can you ask for in a player from your favorite team?
In preparation for the start of another 82-game schedule, the good folks over at SportsNet put together a video interview series with the Raptors. It's your typical fare -- what's your favorite food? What would your last meal be? Do you collect anything? -- and Ross is game throughout. In fact, after watching this video, you're going to want to be best friends with the high-flying wing:
A quick rundown from Ross:
He most recently got caught singing Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy." Random, Ross admits. His last meal would be steak, potatoes and shrimp. An excellent choice, of course. He collects shoes. His favorite thing about Canada is Tim Horton's. And the first time he dunked, he was in the seventh grade and on a fastbreak. And he barely got the ball over the rim with his eyes closed.
That's just not fair. We couldn't dunk with our eyes wide open. And Ross' very first dunk ever was with a biological blindfold? Not fair at all.