Nick Young pulled over by 3 cop cars for driving without a license plate

Nick Young needs your help, guys.
The Los Angeles Lakers shooting guard was pulled over Monday night for driving a car without a license plate, and he has questions that need answers.
Young tweeted out video of the stop he had taken while standing on the curb. His first quandary: why is half the motor pool here?
3 cars for no plates in a loaner car (rental car)
— Nick Young (@NickSwagyPYoung) March 1, 2016
Note: this guy loved being filmed.

And Young's right to think this is weird. Three cruisers for a routine traffic stop seems...excessive. But that wasn't his primary concern. Young's biggest question was who does what with this ticket.
The car, Young tweeted, was a rental. Does he mail the rental company the ticket? Or is there like a dropbox?
Chalk up an unfortunate break for Swaggy, who, by his account, was pulled over thanks to absurd, gross neglect on the part of the rental company. Conversely, he might've wanted to do a walkaround before driving off in a possibly hot, apparently undocumented burner-mobile. That's how the rental company pins a body on you. Can never be too careful.
In any case, this just further bolsters my belief that Young needs to travel solely by Swaggy Mobile.
Dan is on Twitter. Real players move in plate-less silence.