Man arrested for stunt at Heat game

A man arrested for attempting to run onto the court without pants during Tuesday night's Heat-Pacers playoff game told a bond court judge Wednesday he was set to receive $10,000 for the stunt.
Kyle Morrison, a 22-year-old from Orlando, faces charges including disorderly conduct, resisting an officer with violence, battery on an officer, trespassing and indecent exposure.
He was arrested Wednesday morning and was being held on $6,500 bond in the Miami-Dade County Jail, NBC Miami reported.
According to police, Morrison ran down the stairs pantless at AmericanAirlines arena in an attempt to get onto the court, but an officer stopped him.
The officer claimed Morrison then tried to push him, before attempting to struggle free when he was handcuffed.
Morrison told the court his actions earned him a decent payday, presumably as the result of a dare.
"I am actually entitled to 10 grand because of what I did," he said, before being silenced by a public defender.