LeBron preaches peace in Cleveland after police acquitted in shooting of black couple

LeBron James urged Cleveland residents to remain calm and channel any anger in a positive way after a judge acquitted a white police office of manslaughter charges following the 2012 shooting deaths of two unarmed blacks.
"Violence is not the answer," he said Saturday. "For the city of Cleveland, let's use our excitement or whatever passion that we have for our sport for the game tomorrow night; bring it tomorrow night."
The Cavs host the Hawks in Game 3 of the Eastern Conference finals on Sunday night after winning the first two in Atlanta. They're trying to reach the NBA Finals for the first time since 2007.
James made similar comments following racially-charged cases in Ferguson, Missouri and New York. But this one hits close to home, and James believes he and the Cavs can help the healing process.
"It doesn't matter what city it is, something that's going through a city that's very traumatic, traumatizing or anything of that case. I think sports is the biggest healers in helping the city out," he said.