LeBron James and wife welcome baby girl to family

CLEVELAND (AP) -- King James has a little princess.
LeBron James confirmed Wednesday that he and his wife, Savannah, welcomed a new baby girl last week. Cavaliers officials say the girl's name is Zhuri Nova.
James already has two sons, LeBron Jr., and Bryce Maximus. James says his family is thrilled with new addition and that ''it's a lot different'' having a girl around the house.
The NBA superstar said ''you give rough love to your boys and you give soft love to your daughter.'' He said he's looking forward to the journey of all three children growing up.
James returned to Ohio this summer, re-signing with the Cavaliers after playing four seasons with Miami.
The 29-year-old said it's been great being back ''home and be with my family and be with my friends.''
The Cavs open their season Thursday night against the New York Knicks.