After blowing $110 million, Walker looking to save other athletes now

When Antoine Walker filed for bankruptcy shortly after earning $110 million during his NBA career, it originally shamed the former Boston Celtic to hear his story.
But Walker's finances are straightened out, and although his wallet isn't as fat as it used to be, Walker explained to TMZ that he no longer feels embarrassed about blowing away all his money because he feels his "cautionary tale" could help other athletes and entertainers.
"If I can help bring down the number of athletes and entertainers who go broke, then I feel I'm doing something to help the cause," Walker told TMZ.
Walker plans to tell his story through a new book and a documentary called "Gone In An Instant," which chronicles his life's ups and downs.
The trailer for the documentary is compelling and highlights Walker's partying habits, gambling problem and tendency to help others more than helping himself.