2016 NBA Free Agency Private Faux Facebook Feed

From Timofey Mozgov's insane deal in which he is about to make more millions per year than total points he scored during the entire 2016 playoffs...
...to Mike Conley agreeing to the most lucrative contract in NBA history...
...to someone thinking DeMar DeRozan is worth a check NINE figures long...
...to Dwyane Wade getting friend-zoned by Pat Riley AGAIN...
NBA free agency 2016 is only days old and we've already experienced some of the most insanely unprecedented transactions the league has ever seen. In case you've missed it, or, are not plugged into the private network of NBA social media -- here's what the NBA's biggest names are saying to each other during free agency via the NBA's private (Faux) Facebook feed:
Disclaimer: This is a parody and these messages were never posted by any of the athletes or franchise's verified facebook accounts.