Atlanta Braves, Spring Fever is Setting In; How I Cope to Fill the Void

The Atlanta Braves are a few short weeks from kicking off Spring Training. Before every season, I like to partake in my own little tradition.
Weeks before the Atlanta Braves get spring training in full swing, I take time to get myself amped up for the season.
How do I do this? Well, I watch my favorite baseball movies. Typically, I like to do this in a weekend or two leading up to pitchers and catchers reporting.
But almost always, my horse-hide marathon starts by watching three videos every Braves fan should own. However, you may be hard pressed to find them, as the ones I have, are on VHS.
Does anyone still own a VCR? Yes, I do. It’s a DVD/VCR combo unit, but it still does the job.
These videos are the 1991, 1992, and 1995 year-in-review videos. The 1991 video simply titled Atlanta Braves Miracle Season, can be found on YouTube and for purchase on Amazon.
The 1992 video titled Lightning Strikes Twice, can also be found on Amazon for sale. I wasn’t able to locate a YouTube video.
The third video is the 1995 World Series season recap and that is titled, Braves Win it All. Again, this can be purchased on Amazon as well, for $4.60.
For some reason, the 1995 World Series VHS is way cheaper than the 1991 ($10.99) or 1992 ($14.99) videos.
After those have been watched, it’s on to some of the best baseball movies Hollywood has to offer.
I don’t have any particular order that I watch them in, but as I list them, you may or may not agree with them. I also did a piece on my own personal site where I do rank the top 10, in two parts. If you want to see those, you can follow the links to check them out here, and here.
This annual event either begins or ends with Field of Dreams or Bull Durham, but never do I watch them back to back.
The Rookie, Rookie of the Year, For Love of the Game, Major League, Little Big League, The Sandlot, It Happens Every Spring, Damn Yankees, 42, *61, The Natural, Eight Men Out, A League of Their Own, Moneyball, and Fever Pitch all find their way into the DVD/BluRay player.
Sometimes, Benchwarmers makes it way in as well.
Some like to flip on the PS4 to get their early fix of baseball in. I, on the other hand, turn to cinema.
Spring Fever is a real issue. The only way to cure it is to fill your vacancy with baseball of any kind, in any shape or form.
This is how I cope.
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