Are Blazers making a mistake remaining 'committed' to Damian Lillard? | NBA | SPEAK

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Damian Lillard and his agent met with Portland Trail Blazers GM Joe Cronin to discuss the guard's future. Cronin doubled down on it by releasing a statement, saying quote: 'We had a great dialogue. We remain committed to building a winner around Dame.' Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and Ric Bucher react to the Blazers decision (at least on the surface) to keep Dame.

MAY 17・speak・13:00
Damian Lillard Damian Lillard Portland Trail Blazers Portland Trail Blazers National Basketball Association National Basketball Association Ric Bucher Ric Bucher Joy Taylor Joy Taylor LeSean McCoy LeSean McCoy Emmanuel Acho Emmanuel Acho Speak Speak