President Barack Obama would 'absolutely' love to own an NBA team

For the past seven years or so, Barack Obama has had a pretty important job as the leader of the free world. But a year from now, he'll be winding down his presidency, and the question of what's next will take priority.
Obama, of course, is a huge NBA fan. He was in attendance for the season-opening game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Chicago Bulls in October, and the pickup games at the White House are legendary. The President is such a fan of the game, in fact, that he told GQ he'd love to be part of an NBA ownership group:
Would you ever want to be part of the ownership for an NBA team?
Would it have to be the Bulls, or would it have to be somebody else?
Well, you know, I know [Jerry] Reinsdorf pretty good—he’s not giving that thing up anytime soon. But I have fantasized about being able to put together a team and how much fun that would be. I think it’d be terrific.
According to a February 2015 report from Forbes, the average NBA team is currently valued at approximately $1.1 billion. It's a hefty chunk of change, even for a former president. But after a few years on the speaking circuit, Obama might be in fine position to become a part-owner in a franchise.
Perhaps the Charlotte Hornets? Obama and Michael Jordan joining forces could turn the world on its ear. It's just a thought.