Mark Cuban 'fine' with potential first fine of the season

Mark Cuban is known for having lots of money, owning the Dallas Mavericks and making regular appearances on the television show "Shark Tank." He's also known as one of the NBA's most contentious figures, someone who freely speaks his mind and, more often than not, gets penalized for it.
But Cuban's been relatively mellow over the past few months, and the league has yet to fine him this season. But that could change any day now, thanks to a rant Cuban made after Friday night's loss to the San Antonio Spurs.
After the San Antonio game, in which Ellis did not get to the free throw line in 23 minutes of playing time before his injury, Cuban unleashed his first public opinions about the referees this season. “It’s just some of the most ridiculous feedback we get,” he said. “You turn it in [to the league office] and it’s like, ‘Oh, that’s incidental. Oh, he got hit in the face, it’s incidental.’ It’s crazy. “The guy’s one of the leading guys at attacking the basket and went to the line zero times.”Cuban says he hasn't been contacted by the league office, but is "fine" with whatever punishment they may soon drop on his head.
“I’m guessing they will,” Cuban said. “And I’m fine with that. It doesn’t change the facts of the scenario, and that’s what’s important. Sometimes, you got to make a point in these things with the NBA.”All in all, what Cuban said on Friday was probably true, but if history tells us anything (Cuban's been fined for at least $1.6 million since he became an owner) it's that the NBA will soon go into his bank account one more time.
(h/t: The Dallas Morning News)