HP Big Summer Read: Chapter 8 -- The Myth of the Right Way

We’re back today with part eight of the 2016 Hardwood Paroxysm Big Summer Read, focusing on Ball Don’t Lie Myth, Genealogy, & Invention in the Cultures of Basketball, by Yago Colás.
This is the second year of the project and the idea is simple: gather basketball fans to read and discuss a great basketball book together. Every Monday we will post a new video discussion between Yago and myself, focusing on one of the nine chapters in his book. We encourage participants to post questions and comments on the video all week as they read that section. Everyone is welcome to participate and it’s never too late to get started.
In today’s video, Yago and I discuss Chapter 8: The Myth of The Right Way. This chapter uses Larry Brown and the 2004 Detroit Pistons as an example of the mythology around “The Right Way” to play basketball and how that creates for a narrow understanding of the possibilities.
Yago will be dropping into the discussion in the comments to add his thoughts and answer questions. If you ping him mention him in your comment, you’re likely to get a quicker response.
You can buy Yago’s book here. Also, follow Yago on Twitter, Facebook, and at his blog.
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