Bulls fans to Lebron: Come to Chicago

Bulls fans are taking their sales pitch to LeBron James to another level - like 30 feet off the ground.
The group behind the Web site SendLeBrontoChicago.com has paid for a billboard in downtown Chicago pleading with ``King James'' to leave Cleveland for the Windy City.
It reads ``Chicago Wants LeBron Unfinished Business,'' with the Chicago skyline in the background and ``LeBron'' in Bulls red. In one corner are six trophies, one for each championship the Bulls won with Michael Jordan leading the way. A seventh trophy - hint, hint - is in another corner.
James is the top prize in a star-studded free agent bonanza that starts next month and the Bulls have enough salary cap room to offer a maximum contract.
SendLeBrontoChicago.com says on its website it may put up a second billboard in James' hometown of Akron, Ohio.