Big things on Hawks' horizon? 'Only our second year together' is rallying cry

If the Atlanta Hawks truly are Spurs East, as so many people rushed to proclaim this team this season, then one year falling short of a title won't be the end of the world. And that sense of perspective — and of what this team can accomplish going forward — was apparent in the locker room after the Game 4 loss at the hands of the Cleveland Cavaliers.
It was on display at the postgame podium, too, where Jeff Teague summed up Atlanta's outstanding season and bright future in one astute observation: "This was only our second year together," Teague said to the media. Free agent teammate DeMarre Carroll, meanwhile, took it a step further, according to's Kevin Arnovitz: "You can really say it was our first year because Al [Horford] didn't really play half of last year," Carroll said, referring to the pectoral injury Horford suffered at the end of last season.
To some, it might read as an excuse. The Hawks lost to a better team in the Eastern Conference finals. So it goes. But beyond that, the sentiment is honest and earnest. There are questions this offseason, starting with Carroll's status and the big payday he's earned with his play this year. But if Atlanta can figure out a way to stay together, the sky should be the limit for the Hawks. LeBron James and the rest of the East might want to get familiar with Georgia in May, because the Hawks are building something bigger than a single season.
Photo Credit: David Goldman/AP