Atlanta Braves
Atlanta Braves
Watch: Braves fan celebrates prematurely in a race, pays the ultimate price
Jun. 30, 2017 6:28 p.m. ET

Sports Illustrated, Chris Chavez/Sports Illustrated
The Atlanta Braves' "Beat the Freeze" promotion needs to make its way to stadiums across the country.
Just before the seventh inning of Friday night's game against the Mets, one lucky fan has the chance to race "The Freeze", which is someone in an all-white costume. The fan is given about a 200-foot head start before The Freeze takes off.
Friday night's fan was gallivanting on the warning track before The Freeze, who honestly could be Usain Bolt in the costume, caught up and won the race.
Watch the race below:
This is another example of why you should always run hard through the finish line.

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