Phillies: Phanatic Gets Called in for Jury Duty

A typical day at the courthouse became a bit more hectic than usual when everyone’s favorite Phillies mascot showed up
No one likes being called in for jury duty, but it’s a civic duty and an important part of our society.
One group of jurors got an unexpected surprise when a big, green Phanatic entered the holding room.
The Phillie Phanatic was accompanied by the head coach of the NCAA National Champion Villanova Wildcats Jay Wright on Jury Appreciation Day to brighten up the days of several local citizens.
It was an honor speaking to Philadelphia jurors on Juror Appreciation Day !
— Jay Wright (@VUCoachJWright) October 17, 2016
While the Phanatic did not speak along with Jay Wright, he did take his place among the lucky few selected for jury duty.
my friend is at jury duty in philly and this is happening…
— Marisa Kabas (@MarisaKabas) October 17, 2016
I feel bad for the poor guy sitting next to the Phanatic, and it’s even worse because he’s partially bald. You know that is part of the Phanatic’s skit, and there’s no doubt he took advantage of it. Also, how did he get into the middle of that row?
He also reportedly “passed out” juror forms to those in attendance. And by passed out, I mean he threw them in the air as if they were a box of popcorn.
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